Jennifer, Alexa, and I have continued our dialogic approach of collaboration while finishing our project. We were orginally going to do a research paper to address our question and present our research, but chose to do a Prezi instead. Jennifer and I have never done and Prezi, although we have attempted to use it before. Alexa, however, has done one but is not very comfortable with it.

We understood it would be a challenge, but realized it would be the best way to portray our information. A research paper would have been boring and similar to previous assignments in other courses. The Prezi gave us the opportunity to make it multi-modal by including videos, images, etc., through movement. All three of us did seperate research addressing different topics related to our question. Then, we came together, discussed our findings, decided how to organize the information, and finally began our Prezi last Tuesday. We started working right away and made a lot of progress so far.
    Alexa works with the Prezi arrangement and tools, while Jennifer and I read her the different information. We all work together deciding which images to use and how to organize it the best way possible. I'm really impressed with my group members and how well we collaborate on this project. We are planning on finishing the Prezi on Tuesday in class. I'm really excited to see the finished Prezi and eager to hear feedback from the rest of the class and Professor Mangini.

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