Most of the twitterives presented on Tuesday were especially emotional, powerful, and thought-provoking. Although some student chose a sensitive subject matter to explore, personality and creativity helped to make each Twitterive even stronger. In total, all four presenters had original ideas and used creative ways to approach them.

Stephanie- Her twitterive revolves around the place of dancing. She's been dancing for most of her life, and she looks to it as an escape, especially from her Tourette's Syndrome. I loved the way she arranged it like a show to pull the audience closer to the place. I also think Stephanie's video confession worked very well to help convey the importance of dance in her life. The photo gallery was also an effective genre to include.

Darren- His twitterive focused on a man wishing he could become a child again. The man misses the simplicity of childhood, dreams about being a child, and then wakes up to realize he was only dreaming. The place is very relatable because many adults reflect on the benefits of being a child once again. I liked the way he interviewed the preschool students at the end of the twitterive. I also liked how he used micro-fiction to show the reader what was happening throughout.

Dave- Dave's twitterive showed his recent battle with Cancer and how his strength and humor helped him through it. I ;loved the Prezi he used to show many facts and then tying his own beliefs into it. I also thoguht the images he used were powerful in conveying the effects the disease had on his life. His saracsm and wit helped to make this twitterive interesting and inspiring.

Kate - Her twitterive illustrated the unfortunate problem that her father has with alcohol, and how it effected her family, childhood, and the person that she became today. I like how she incorporated the large role that her grandparents played in her upbringing, but I definitely want to see more of her mom in it as well. I think the prologue is well-written and she uses a lot of effective genres that give her piece strength.