For these my assignments, I'm working with Jennifer Eisenstein and Alexa Kalin. After discussion at the end of Tuesday's class, we've chosen which questions we'd like to research and the questions that will guide more answers through an interview.

Research Questions

Is it possible for a resident of Rowan University to only eat organic foods?

Where does the food at Rowan come from?

Where are the nearest places to Rowan who produce/ sell organic food products?

Can Rowan students financially afford organic products?

Is there anything that the university does to provide access or awareness to Rowan students?

Interview Questions

We know that Rowan University employees the food company Sodexo to serve food in the Student Center. We are looking for a  manager to reveal any organic initiatives or products that are offered to Rowan.

How would you describe your company, Sodexo?

How long have you been employed by them and what is your position?

Can you tell us some other companies that Sodexo services?

Does this company offer organic food choices?

Where does the food come from? Large distributers?

Does Sodexo provide any fresh products?

Has anyone ever asked about where Sodexo gets its food?

Do you think the food is healthy? Could you give us an example of a healthy/ balanced meal Sodexo offers?

Would you say that Sodexo should offer more nutritious and organic food choices? Why?

Do you think Sodexo would consider purchasing organic food to cook and sell for Rowan students? What about other companies?

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