Most of the twitterives presented on Tuesday were especially emotional, powerful, and thought-provoking. Although some student chose a sensitive subject matter to explore, personality and creativity helped to make each Twitterive even stronger. In total, all four presenters had original ideas and used creative ways to approach them.

Stephanie- Her twitterive revolves around the place of dancing. She's been dancing for most of her life, and she looks to it as an escape, especially from her Tourette's Syndrome. I loved the way she arranged it like a show to pull the audience closer to the place. I also think Stephanie's video confession worked very well to help convey the importance of dance in her life. The photo gallery was also an effective genre to include.

Darren- His twitterive focused on a man wishing he could become a child again. The man misses the simplicity of childhood, dreams about being a child, and then wakes up to realize he was only dreaming. The place is very relatable because many adults reflect on the benefits of being a child once again. I liked the way he interviewed the preschool students at the end of the twitterive. I also liked how he used micro-fiction to show the reader what was happening throughout.

Dave- Dave's twitterive showed his recent battle with Cancer and how his strength and humor helped him through it. I ;loved the Prezi he used to show many facts and then tying his own beliefs into it. I also thoguht the images he used were powerful in conveying the effects the disease had on his life. His saracsm and wit helped to make this twitterive interesting and inspiring.

Kate - Her twitterive illustrated the unfortunate problem that her father has with alcohol, and how it effected her family, childhood, and the person that she became today. I like how she incorporated the large role that her grandparents played in her upbringing, but I definitely want to see more of her mom in it as well. I think the prologue is well-written and she uses a lot of effective genres that give her piece strength.

Technology has played a critical role in developing ideas for my twitterive and the presentation itself. Although I'm not a huge fan of using technology for projects, this assignment forced me to experiment with different websites, genres, and resources that are digitally-based. It gave me an opportunity to learn about more tools which can help me with writing and creative pieces for years to come.

Due to my lack of interest and ability with technology, I feel like I've struggled more with incorporating creative genres into my piece. But as I move further along, I feel more comfortable with taking risks and experimenting with ideas that could work.

I love using Weebly to work on and display my twitterive. I think it's user-friendly and reduced a lot of the stress and pressure that could have occurred from doing this assignment. Uploading images and videos are simple, along with rearranging pages and playing with the organization. I will definitely use Weebly for future assignments which technological aspects are expected.

I was really impressed with the original, creative approaches that my classmates used for their twitterives. Although they are still works in progress, I think everyone did a great job illustrating their place and choosing appropriate genres to showcase it.

Alissa - Her twitterive revolved around softball and the loss that she feels now that she is no longer playing. She was successful at showing her emotional attachment to the sport and used creative genres to express it. I think that this was the perfect place for her to choose.

David - His place seems to be a mixture of insomnia and madness. I like his theme of using alternate personalities to display it, especially in the "about me" pages. He used a broad mixture of genres in a disorganized fashion to show the craziness.

Christie - Her place was the Outerbanks, since her family celebrates the summer there each year. Her twitterive is well-organized, reader-friendly, and illustrates a clear place. The images she included helps bring the reader there and showcase the great memories they have together.

Rebecca - Her twitterive is centered around the complex place of the past, present, future, and being excited for the changes happening this summer. I loved the way she shows specfic details in creative ways, like the map of the summer house. The entire thing is pleasing to the eye and interesting to read.

Omce again, great job everyone! I'm anxious to see some other ones, too!
    With so many options and ideas to choose from, my twitterive revision is going to be complicated. I chose this place a few weeks ago and already included the genres that immediately came to mind. As I previously noted, I will post at least one video that includes my daughter, myself, or both of us. I've been playing around with different ways on how I want to accomplish this. I also want to include a poem, an article about reading with children, and possibly a few other genres. I know that spending more time on the internet and searching through resources will lead me in the right direction. I'm content with the progress I've made on my twitterive so far and excited to se
While discussing my twitterive in class, I managed to answer these questions. Thankfully, the answers sparked some suggestions and feedback from my peers.

1)      WHO are the characters in your story?

    The characters in my story are mostly my daughter and I.

2)      WHAT is your story? WHAT genres/modes are you using for your story?

    My story is how the relationship between Analisa and I is strengthened due to reading together. I'm using a variety of genres including a photo gallery, a few you-tube videos, short story, list of quotes, and multiple images. I'm currently debating on which other genres I wish to include., but I'm definitely going to include a video of my daughter.

3)      WHEN does your story take place?

    My story takes place now, but it reflects on the entire four years since my daughter was born.

4)      WHERE is your place?

    My place is not a geographic location; it's the place of comfort and bonding that comes from reading with Analisa.

5)      WHY do you feel a connection/lack of connection to place?

    I feel a connection to this place because it's played an important role in our relationship and her development. I think reading is one of the best things to do with children and I love to see her growing passion for learning and asking questions.

6)      HOW do you show your audience your connection/lack of connection to place?

    I show my audience this connection through using multiple genres that can showcase the importance of reading to both my daughter and I. Things like revealing her favorite books and videos of interactive reading activities shows how much she loves it and how far we have come with her passion for literacy
    The process for my twitterive generally went smoothly. I used a rough outline of components I definitely wanted to include for my theme. Everything I wrote in the outline is part of my twitterive already, except for the video in the fifth chapter. Furthermore, I understand that I have more revision of the chapters I have already created I'm going to add more genres, images, and ideas that will enhance the reader's experience of my place. I want my audience to capture the connection I have with reading and my daughter through this multi-genre piece.
I have five questions to ask about my twitterive and how I can improve it.

1. What should I do for the interview with my daughter?
2. What are some more genres I can include?
3. Are there any unanswered questions?
4. Is the theme of my place seen throughout?
5. Are the genres/chapters appropriate for my place?
In the mock wedding, my character will be the nervous Usher. This man feels well-prepared and understands his duties, yet many of his plans fall through. Most of the unsuccessful outcomes are due to the many crazy, unexpected situations or people that arise at the ceremony and reception. (I arranged the information in a T-Chart, but it would not convert properly to this Weebly blog, so I had to fix the set-up.) This was MY PLAN versus MY REALITY.
My Plan-

Hand out the service sheets to everyone.

My Reality-

Couldn't find the service sheets and had to chase people down to give them out.

My Plan-

At the ceremony, wait outside to give advice.

My Reality-

No one wants to hear my advice.

My Plan-

Inform the groom, the organist, and the choir when the bride is arriving.

My Reality-

Inform the bride, the organist, and the choir when the groom is arriving.

My Plan-

Slip out of the service for errands.

My Real;ity-

Nobody asked me to do anything.

My Plan-

Ensure guests are enjoying themselves.

My Reality-

Guests either enjoyed themselves, embarrassed themselves, or forgot where they were.

My Plan-

Make sure wedding gifts are appropriately placed.

My Reality-

Wedding gifts were misplaced or stolen ...

My Plan-

Remind people to take all belongings at the end of the evening.

My Reality-

Reminded people to leave at the end of the evening.



     It was a necessary, yet amusing experience to collaborate with other members of the wedding party during class. We bounced a lot of ideas around to find out more about the characters and plans. As the Usher, I needed to hear the things that were probably going to turn out wrong so I could develop my T-Chart accordingly. A lot of my duties will be fulfilled, yet there are some that I will fail at accomplishing, which I discovered through the collaboration. To find out more about an Usher’s role in a wedding I used the website, which provides lists of Usher duties for the wedding ceremony and the reception. Ironically, this wedding is definitely not going to be perfect- but it will be fun and more realistic. I’m excited to see how this mock wedding plays out and the original approaches each person takes with their role.

Here are two micro-fiction pieces using two random personal tweets. Enjoy! The tweet is in bold.


I jump out of the car, lukewarm coffee in one hand, keys in the other. My over-packed schoolbag is causing me to fall over as I lock the doors. I shouldn't even bring my textbook but I will anyway. I left my cell phone at home and have no idea what time it is. I assume I'm late since I'm late a lot. After break, these afternoon classes always come up too quickly. My boots crush the gravel as I approach the sidewalk outside of the parking lot. My professor is right infront of me, about 50 feet away. I know it's her because I glanced at her side-profile when she looked towards the setting sun. She is walking briskly, yet her highlighted bob stays perfectly in place. I guess I'm not late after all. It's so awkard following your professor all the way to class. I wonder if she knows it's me behind her. It's approaching final's week and she still calls Steve, Kevin, so I guess she doesn't. We are now coming up to the classroom building and she holds the door for me, but doesn't look back to see who's behind her. She probably knows, or doesn't care, or just wants to get to class. Maybe she's late. I go into the bathroom to delay the start of class. At least I'm not late.


So my mom has been wanting to try this new place down the street from our house. It's not a pizzeria, or a nail salon. It's a new church. She always says that one Sunday when she has off, she wants to go there. This has been going on for about two years now. Finally I told her, enough is enough. Let's go check it out. I passed the building many times before. The building itself is huge, but the actual church part looks somewhat small to accommodate the full parking lot of guests.
We stepped out of the car and we immediately lost. Which is the main entrance? There's like 5 different doors and no sign. Just crosses everywhere .. I was overwhelmed already. That feeling was instantly replaced with comfort of a softly singing choir. The harmonious group of two dozen men and women made me feel like I was home. I closed my eyes and rocked slowly back and forth. I wish I knew the words to the song they were singing. Then again, no, because I would have ruined the song for everyone in the sauctuary.
The crowd was mixed, yet united. The children were called away as the adults embraced the word of God and sang of his glory. I kept looking at my mom. She appeared peaceful and content. This was the place she wanted to be.